Christian Nurture and Development

Thousands of partner communities are still un- Churched and have not been reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Resources directed towards Christian mission have been meager making it very dicult to implement planned activities.
There is need to integrate Christian activities into all INUG projects and mobilize resources to support Christian mission activities. Efforts need to be geared towards reaching un-Churched communities, creating partnership with local and International Churches and Christian agencies for great impact.

As an International NGO formed in 1975, International Needs has a Mission of connecting Christian partners in effective evangelism, discipleship and community development. In Uganda, INUG had been spear heading this mission over the past two decades with over 30,000 people reached with the Gospel annually. This has been done through evangelism missions, Gospel crusades, Church planting, door to door preaching, Pastoral visits, Facilitating Bible courses/training and Christian services at Buikwe Christian Centre. Thousands of souls have been saved and drawn from African traditional form of worship, witchcraft and false Gospel teachings.
Most of the partner communities however still practice African traditional religion, experiencing the influence of false Christian teachings by emerging Churches. The tight socio-economic conditions have killed the African spirit of sharing and supporting the vulnerable community members. Giving in Churches and supporting the poor has also been greatly affected by the low economic activities and limited opportunities.